is a service to subscribers of the Literary Salon newsletter, where we're on a journey to become radically independent authors.
Bookmotion is cooperative effort among Literary Salon members to collectively advertise our books and newsletters.
If you've been struggling with how to obtain an audience for your books, Literary Salon is forging a path to radical independence.
If you're already a member of Bookmotion, you can learn more on the Members page.
How Bookmotion Works
Bookmotion presents a collection of reader magnets, which are books authors give away in exchange for a subscription to their newsletter. I offer managed Bookfunnel services that include participation in Bookmotion--all for less than managing Bookfunnel yourself. ($80 a year instead of $100)
"Thaddeus Thomas is doing a real service for authors. His Bookmotion project has gained me a lot of new subscribers, and to top it off, it’s incredibly affordable. You’re missing out if you don’t give it a try. It’s hard to find your readers, but it can be easier. Bookmotion might just be the key to your success." -- Jenna B. Neece
"I’ve been part of Thaddeus Thomas’s Bookmotion promotion for the last week and the result is the hockey-stick growth in my subscriber count you see below. The incremental growth before came from my interactions on Notes, while the flatline in September was when I was on vacation for a couple of weeks. Clearly it works! These are subscribers from outside of Substack, and I’m hoping many of them are readers more than writers. (That’s what we’re all looking for, right?)
"If you’re a writer who’d like to participate, contact Thaddeus. It’s very affordable. You do need to have an ebook you’re willing to give away. If you don’t have one, you can create one from your archive of Substack posts." -- Lawrence Hogue
Simply put, what do I do to join?
Click on the bold links provided.
Sign up at Bookmotion. Submit your book through the form provided.
Go to Literary Salon and subscribe to the newsletter for free. I'll upgrade you for a 90-day free trial.
At the end of the 90-day trial, pay for your Literary Salon subscription because you love all this growth and happiness. Seriously, uploading a bunch of new subscribers is a great feeling. It's gonna blow your mind.
I'm Thaddeus Thomas
Literary fantasy author and creator of Literary Salon.
As an author, I found myself needing to start fresh and unwilling to make the same self-publishing mistakes that saw thousands of dollars flowing out of my account and very little flowing in. This time I'm doing things differently, and I'm bringing you with me. Literary Salon chronicles my journey as I do the research and the work so you don't have to. See why people call me "the busiest man on Substack" and the creator of a business plan "that actually hunts readers."
Try Literary salon for free
I’m going to give you a solution to the greatest frustration of fiction writers today: How do I find readers? More than that, how do we find readers who aren’t just other writers? Writers are readers, sure. Absolutely. But a cannibalistic community of writers pushing their stories on one another isn’t enough. We need more. We need readers who aren’t writers too.
When you download your gift copy of The Right-Reader Method, you'll also get a subscription to Literary Salon, upgraded to "paid" for a minimum of 30 days at no cost to you.
The Right-Reader Method
by Thaddeus Thomas
Graph shared by author Nick Richards demonstrating his growth.